
8 5. Meeting reservations Select [schedule] index, and display a calendar in the [month indication] tab. Choose a reservation date and click it. 5-1 Select a date When you click a date in the calendar, a timetable on the day will be displayed on the right. The POWER-LIVE reservation will be displayed by a blue zone. Personal schedule will be displayed by a white zone. Choose the reservation time by dragging the time to the left or right on the calendar and releasing the left mouse button. A reservation edit window will then be open (If you are not authorized, you can not open the reservation edit window by dragging.) 5-2 Select a time Drag the scroll bar to the left and right to choose the time. You can use [Next], [Prev] to choose the time. (5-2) When you drag the time that you want to make the reservation, the timetable will be highlighted by a green color. Each meeting scheduled on the day will be displayed by in the To-Do List. Reservation Time for a meeting and its title will be displayed. (5-1) Select a date for which you want to make a reservation. When you click the month display tab, you can open and close a calendar.


